Good Enough Games

Escape Area 51

(working title)

Created by Caitlin Mallen, Jayden Tactay, and Rob Godfrey


Escape Area 51 is a 2.5D game based in Area 51 where the player is an alien escaping captivity. The player will attempt to avoid getting caught by Area 51 guards as they make their way to an exit to meet up with an alien rescue squad. The player has the ability to transform into guards or objects to help escape detection.


A fun and lighthearted game with (maybe) comical violence




Level Progression


Suspense in Achieving Goals


Initial Concept Art and Storyboard Sketches

Alien Concept Art

Alien character concept art (Caitlin)

Guard Concept Art

Guard characters concept art (Caitlin)

Tray Carry Concept Art

Concept for the first level, where a guard carries the alien (transformed as a food tray) to the kitchen (Rob).

Kitchen Level Concept Art

Concept for the kitchen level. The player must navigate through the kitchen without being detected, find a screwdriver, and escape through a vent.

Main Character Design and Animation

Alien Concept Art

The final character design for the main character

The final main character is an alien who appears as a light green amorphous blob with two large eyes.

Alien Movement

Main character movement animation

The character has a simple idle animation and can move in all four cardinal directions. The character’s movement is controlled by the player using the W, A, S, and D keys. The player can also press the Space key to jump.

Alien Transform Animation

Alien transformation animation

Level Design and Gameplay

Guard Patrol

Initial prototyping of the guard AI

Guards patrol on a set path and will chase the player if detected. If the player evades a chasing guard, the guard will eventually return to their patrol area.

Mid-semester prototype showing character movement/animation, basic level design, and guard AI

Final Game Demo

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This game was developed using issue-driven project management: we leveraged Trello to track project to-dos as cards in our Trello board. Each card was assigned to one or more project members.

Link to Trello board


Caitlin Mallen
Caitlin Mallen
ACM Senior
Jayden Tactay
Jayden Tactay
ICS Senior
Rob Godfrey
Rob Godfrey
ICS Senior